Essential Oils- How to Help Ward Off Cold and Flu Bugs.
Tis the season for cold, coughs, and tickled throats. Luckily though, did you know that essential oils are a great way to help defend against these little annoyances? Here at Patchouli Garden, we offer NOW Foods essential oils. I'm sure many have heard of the brand "Now Foods". It is one of the largest wholesale companies in the USA to offer pure, Non-GMO, supplements, foods, body products, and oils. The prices are also much more affordable compared to other competitors when it comes to essential oils. Check out the blog: modernalternativemomma , Kate has some great info with NOW foods and it's comparison's to DoTerra and Young Living. She explain's the reason why NOW Food essential oils are lower priced and how they even compare on purity and benefits. Here is one of her price diagrams: So with all that information, let me show you some of our favorites for the cough and cold season. The easiest available recommendation is their all ready to go ...